Must-Have Tools to Organize Your Life

Written by
David Emelianov
Published on
September 18, 2023
Tired of dealing with junk mail?
Use Trimbox to get your email back under control. The simplest way to unsubscribe from junk, delete old emails, and focus on the emails that matter.

Most people struggle to organize their lives in one way or another. Maybe you struggle to keep your personal life organized, or maybe your work environment is kind of a mess.

But, it doesn't have to stay that way. Are you looking for ways to get your life organized and running smoothly? Let's go through the top tools to organize your life.



It can be hard to remember all the different bills you have to pay each month. That's where auto-bill pay methods can be a lifesaver. You might be able to set up autopay directly with your bank, or with your credit card company.

But, there are also external apps you can use to make sure that all of your bill payments are centralized. That way you'll be able to make sure bills you're paying with different credit cards and bills you're paying from your bank account can be reviewed at once, so you don't accidentally end up missing one.

Email Organization

email organization

Over 330 billion emails are sent each day, so you're probably getting your fair share. If you're drowning in the number of emails you get from different companies, there are options for you. Trimbox can help you unsubscribe from lists that may be plaguing you with emails with just a few clicks of a button.

Work Management Apps

If your problems with organization usually pop up in the workplace, there are apps to help get you on track. Of course, you can use calendar apps to let you know when you have meetings and upcoming deadlines.

You can create a checklist of daily tasks so that you always achieve everything you need to get done in a day. One handy tool for getting things done is Trello, but there are lots of different options for you. Try out a couple, and see if you can find one that suits your needs.

Time Management Tools

time management

Of course, you also need to manage your time wisely - whether you're working, doing school, or trying to achieve personal tasks. That's where you can utilize time management tools to help you manage your time wisely.

If you find yourself getting distracted by social media there are apps that can stop you from scrolling through for a set period of time. You'll have no choice but to sit down and power through what you need to get done.

There are also apps that can help analyze what you're spending your time on, in order to help you make better habits and avoid procrastination.

If you work with lots of different types of files and information and end up taking a lot of notes, you can use apps like Evernote to consolidate everything you need in one place.

Tools to Organize Your Life: Get Started Today

Now that you know about these tools to organize your life, there's nothing standing in the way of your success. You just need to mobilize yourself and get started.

Are you looking to take your email management to the next level? Make a Trimbox account today and start unsubscribing.

Tired of dealing with junk mail?
Use Trimbox to get your email back under control. The simplest way to unsubscribe from junk, delete old emails, and focus on the emails that matter.